Current Projects
Current projects include:

Comet Ridge Limited
- ASX Listed Australian CBM exploration company.
- Merged with Walcot founded Chartwell Energy in 2009.

VOC Investments
VOC is a resource industry focused investment fund that makes targeted investments in publicly listed resource companies.

Perth Basin Energy
Perth Basin Energy operates the L14 Production License in the prolific Perth Basin, Western Australia. The license includes the well known Jingemia field developed by Origin Energy in 2003, with independently certified 1.23 mmbbls oil reserves on field commision; the large Tammar prospect; and renewable and CCS opportunities.

Plowden Resources
Plowden Resources has consolidated a packaged of highly prospective mineral tenure, in the Mulgabbie district, 125km north east of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia, including:
- Pinjin South JV Project – Operation of a joint venture with St Barbara Ltd. Completed in late 2021 encompassing 7 large exploration leases via a staged earn in of up to 70%.
- Prospecting Option Area – A series of 10 prospecting leases (4 pending mining leases).
Walcot Capital has also established and operates a number of earlier stage projects including:
Taknor Resources Pty Ltd
Large polymetallic skarn prospect and lead deposit in the Ashburton region, Western Australia.
Resource Development Corporation Pty Ltd
Gold, lithium and nickel in the Kurnalpi region, Western Australia.
Mainstone Resources Pty Ltd
Gold and lithium licence in the Pilbara region, Western Australia.

210 Alice Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Contact Us
+61 (0) 419 725 970
Walcot Capital has also established and oeprates a number of earlier stage projects including:
Taknor Resources Pty Ltd
Largy polymetallic skarn prospect and lead deposit in the Ashburton region, Western Australia.
Resource Development Corporation Pty Ltd
Gold, lithium and nickel in the Kurnalpi region, Western Australia
Mainstone Resources Pty Ltd
Gold and lithium licence in the Pilbara region, Western Australia